Running your own business you lose all track of bank holiday's as you work when you have to. Being pregnant you also lose all track of bank holiday's because you don't get to plan fun nights out. I really miss going out over the bank holiday as they always seem to be the best weekends for partying.
Ok, so there was one bonus about this Easter weekend and that was of course chocolate! 28 years of age and I still managed to bag myself 4 Easter eggs! Each one tastes as good as the last but I all of sudden thought my poor kid will have sugar overload and I might be making it super hyper. I was starting to feel guilty. Having worked my way through two of the four eggs and all the goodies inside I was starting to feel a little bit sick. How it is possible one could ever get sick of Cadburys I do not know.
I'm very jel. I didn't even get 1! So i nicked me mums instead... i hope the twins won't think they will get away with that in the years to come. They will soon learn... This mummy does not share!! ;)