Tuesday 7 February 2012

Warm jelly on my belly

The past week has flown by but the 4 weeks previous were the longest 4 weeks ever!

The count down for Monday 6th February 2012 was over. 10am I texted Mr C "Are you excited?" a man of not many word i was expecting a "yeah" but he said "Ive been up since 6am, I cant wait!"

Me either, I thought the day was going to drag as the appointment wasnt until 3pm but after doing some work and running some errands Mr C and i were en route to our 20 week scan.

So there I was again on the bed, with warm jelly on my belly.

This is more of an intense scan that takes up to 20 minutes and is amazing how much they can see and check, even down to a clef pallet.

You always just assume everything is ok but you just dont know.

Just like the sex you just dont know its  50/50.

Mr C's family is predomitly girls and the last 6 babies have been boys in my family and no girls since my cousin Jenna which was over 25 years ago. So pressure from either side for the opposite sex.

And so the sex....

of course its A GIRL! ha ha BUT she didnt say it confidently as bean kept crossing her legs. She looked again at the end and said "im going to go with a girl, it looks very flat in that area" knowing my luck in life a winkey was probably hiding and it will actually be a boy! She said she is 95% sure.

She was already being a madam, playing up,  rolling and jumping around when the lady was trying to check her spinal cord. Also pouting a lot she must get that from her father, ha ha.

I never understood people uploading scans to social networking sites and never thought i would think much of a scan but I actually fall more and more in love with her every time I look at it and find the scan really cute!

I just feel so happy and excited to being another step closer to knowing our baby. Mr C said of course he is a little bit gutted but is blessed she is healthy and everything is ok and that he cant wait to meet her now. I feel a little bit gutted for him but girls are always "Daddy's girls" and boys "Mummy's boys" so I never understand why the majority of guys desperatly want a boy. It must come down to doing sports and activities together instead of watching dance shows! However i grew up a bit of a tomboy climbing trees and play fighting and then grew into a lady, we could have the best of both.

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