Tuesday, 21 February 2012

Is this "The Secret" book for good parenting?

Is there even such a thing? I had a little catch up with my girlfriend Miss H. Our friendship began at Venture Photography and has blossomed ever since. Mainly moaning about men! Another photographer at the studio has recently returned after being on maternity leave and Miss H said she is like superwoman. Her little girl is the most amazing, happy baby and that she has got her routine down to a T. She said you need the book! What book? Will this be my new bible?

She found out it was called The New Contented Little Baby Book: The Secret to Calm and Confident Parenting by Gina Ford.

So straight on Amazon I was, great, I found it! Oh...don't you just hate it when books look so 80's, why haven't they designed a nice new modern hard back and changed the picture with the times. I guess the info inside is more important then how the book looks itself. The reviews sound amazing this is one book I will be testing. After i wrote this post I saw another mummy status update on Facebook say "Ive just brought Potty training by Gina Ford, wish me luck" Is she like the dog whisper for babies? How does everyone know about her?


'Gina Ford is the Delia Smith of parenting...while Delia tells you how to make the perfect omelette, Gina Ford in her baby-care manual The Contented Little Baby Book, draws on 30 years' experience to tell you how to nurture the perfectly happy baby.', YOU Magazine .

'for me she was an absolute godsend', Kate Winslet, Baby & You .

"It is hard to overestimate the good she has done...How to reward this great benefactor of mankind?...My wife takes the view that only sainthood will do.", Peter Osborne, Political Editor, The Spectator .

'"I devoured it (Contented Little Baby Book) in one sitting. It was hilarious. The claim that a baby of five months could be trained to sleep from 7am to 7pm made me laugh out loud. Little did I realise that this was the start of my conversion to the gospel according to St Gina. That Gina Ford would soon acquire an almost divine status in my life....I look back on my BGE (Before Gina Era) and think of how many of my babies has cried and cried as I ever more desperately struggled to get them to sleep....My only regret, of course, is that Gina did not write her book years ago, when my older children were born. I look in the mirror and wonder what a difference that would have made to the bags under my eyes. If motherhood had always been as easy as it seems this time, I might not have had five children - but 10. Maybe Ruth Kelly's secrets is that she has a copy of St Gina."', Martine Oborne, Evening Standard 

Turns out there is a dog whisper for babies and the book looks a little more current. I'm such a sucker for presentation and packaging. This book also has great reviews. I am still steering towards Gina Ford because it has been recommended by someone I know but will check both out in store before buying from Amazon.

Has anyone tried and tested either of these books or swear by another? Or are baby books a complete waste of time and you should just go with your instincts? 


  1. It's worth having for reference on how much baby should be aiming to drink & how much sleep etc they should have but I wouldn't stick letter of law with it as I tried with first one & it just didn't work!! Haven't opened it on second one & he's most content baby sleeps through night since 6 weeks etc..... Moral... Every babe is different go with the flow & take your lead from your baby you'll know what's best you always do as what works for one won't for another & not worth stressing yourself out over what some 'expert' says you should do! I felt like a terrible mum because I couldn't make her routine work until I realised my baby was happy in his own routine that me n him just kinda found ourselves. Always go with your gut instinct shell be half you do you'll know what's best ;-)

  2. I tried to follow the secrets of the baby whisperer ! If your baby is born a text book book baby or an angle then brilliant! If your babies born a grumpy baby or spirited baby it won't work following a book! They are great for finding out how much a baby should be drinking , sleeping and to help with first stages of weaning as a guide! Let her decide her routine so much easier!

  3. The New Contented Little Baby Book: I love this book :)

  4. Gina ford books are grt they are perfect to get good ideas fr a perfect routine. I have seen 2 children tht have had this routine from birth and they are such good children. I gt some very good tips fr bedtimes and feeding very good book.

  5. Contented little Baby book :) Ive got it x

  6. I say trust your instinct. every baby is different. i didn't read a single book. we naturally found a rountine that worked for us and by 8 weeks old she was sleeping through the night. the one thing i would recommend to any new mum is baby signing. i started signing to chloe at 8 weeks old and by 5 months she was signing to me for milk. by 9 months she was signing food, more and understood all gone. it was amazing!!!

  7. Gina ford is the one! Her books are good.
